Archive for: August, 2009

The Pros and Cons of Horse Slaughter

There are practical as well as commercial arguments that can be made in favor of horse slaughter. There are ethical and environmental reasons to oppose it. Horse slaughter proponents see the matter primarily in terms of dollars and cents. The so-called “killer buyers” who purchase horses on behalf of slaughterhouses typically shop at auction, where […]

Horses on the Hill

There has been a veritable stampede on Capitol Hill, with no fewer than three horse protection bills introduced since the beginning of the year. One has already cleared the House of Representatives with a decisive 239 to 185 win, while companion bills under the Prevention of Equine Cruelty Act of 2009 are parked in the […]

Doomsday Clock Ticks for Wild Horses of American West

The question on the minds of many of America’s wild horse advocates is will Bob Abbey, President Obama’s appointee to head the Bureau of Land Management, offer a reprieve to 30,000 of America’s wild horses and burros removed from public lands and moved to holding facilities? Or will he take the advice of a recent […]

Arabian Horse Assn. Endorses Slaughter

In a move reminiscent of a position taken by the American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA), the Arabian Horse Association (AHA) went on record on behalf of itself and the Arabian Horse Foundation (AHF) in June as supporting horse slaughter. The move coincided with the appointment of AHA president Lance Walters to the board of the […]

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