A plague-infected ground squirrel was discovered in the Angeles National Forest in California. An excess of fleas tipped public health investigators to irregularity in the creature, which was discovered dead on July 16 with a formal diagnosis issued 10 days later. The squirrel was recovered in the Table Mountain campgrounds near Wrightwood, north-east of Los […]

It used to be simple. Back in the day, kids went barefoot in the summer and if times were good, Dad bought everyone a new pair of shoes in the fall for school. It was simple for the horses, too. Old Dobbin went barefoot and if he seemed tender, an attractive, burly man appeared and […]

Colic is responsible for more deaths in horses than any other disease, and SmartPak is fighting back. Users of SmartDigest Ultra can sign up for the company’s ColiCare program and become eligible for $7,500 in colic surgery reimbursement. “We’re so confident that SmartDigest Ultra will help keep your horse’s digestive system healthy that we’ve backed […]

With no new confirmed EHV-1 cases since June 3, the California Department of Food and Agriculture on June 20 declared the outbreak contained. Containment is based on the fact that California has gone more than 14 days from the last clinical onset date without any new confirmed cases. The neuropathogenic strain of Equine Herpes Virus-1 […]

There’s much concern—and even some hysteria and misinformation—about an outbreak of Equine Herpes Myeloencephalopathy (EHM) caused by Equine Herpes Virus 1 (EHV-1) that occurred at the National Cutting Horse Association’s Western National Championships in Ogden, Utah, from April 30–May 8. As of May 25, there were 18 confirmed cases of EHM in California; one was […]
Jun 1 2011 | Posted in
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I often hear, “So what brought you to Santa Ynez?” My response: “It’s a long story, but the short answer is…my mare.” I can’t remember a time in my life when I didn’t want a horse. As a child I cried, begged, pleaded and prayed that one day I’d have a horse of my own. […]

On March 3, a new USEF rule went into effect requiring dressage riders under the age of 18 and anyone competing at Training through Fourth Level to wear safety helmets at all times while mounted at shows licensed by the U.S. Equestrian Federation and the U.S. Dressage Federation. All eventers must also don protective headgear […]